Nov. 18, 2021 Illinois enacted the Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois Act to provide incentives for electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing and production. Among other tax provisions, the Act includes the following: a sales and use tax exemption for building materials, and a provision allowing local jurisdictions to abate property taxes for certain REV Illinois Project […]
Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Grant Program for Small Businesses
Nov. 18, 2021 Small businesses investing in certain energy technologies are eligible for a new federal grant program under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ( H.R. 3684) (IIJA), signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021, establishes the Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Grant Program for small businesses […]
Ways and Means Opportunity Zone Hearing
Ways & Means subpanel holds Opportunity Zone hearing Nov. 18, 2021 The House Ways & Means Oversight Subcommittee November 16 held a hearing, “The Opportunity Zone Program and Who It Left Behind,” that focused on potential improvements to the program, including more accurate data, a refundable tax credit element, and new qualification parameters. Reforming the program could […]
California: CalCompetes New Grant Program
CalCompetes has added a new grant program in the state’s 2021/2022 budget. $120 million in funding is available, with individual awards up to $36 million. The application period opens January 3 and closes January 24. This is a great opportunity for companies that typically would not be able to take advantage of a tax credit […]
Changes to Montana Tax Credit Programs
Signed on May 14, H.B. 629 enacted Grow Montana Jobs, an annual Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit (Job Growth Credit). This new credit is a nonrefundable annual job growth incentive credit against state income tax available for calendar years 2022 through 2028. The credit is equal to 50% of Montana FICA taxes paid by an employer multiplied by the […]